Pediatric dwarfism clinic
Tel. 032-610-1111 | Fax. 032-662-4797 | Email. sportsds2022@gmail.com
Addr. Yeongchang Building, 590 Inju-daero, Namdong-gu, Incheon ㅣ Biz License. 130-96-01190
© 2023 Yeongchang Building, 590 Inju-daero, Namdong-gu, Incheon. All Rights Reserved.
한쪽다리가 허벅지뼈와 종아리뼈부분이 모두 짧아 두부분을 동시에 연장한 모습입니다.
Both femur and tibia in one leg were shorter than the other. Both were lengthened at the same time.