Pediatric dwarfism clinic
Tel. 032-610-1111 | Fax. 032-662-4797 | Email. sportsds2022@gmail.com
Addr. Yeongchang Building, 590 Inju-daero, Namdong-gu, Incheon ㅣ Biz License. 130-96-01190
© 2023 Yeongchang Building, 590 Inju-daero, Namdong-gu, Incheon. All Rights Reserved.
오른쪽다리의 종아리뼈부분이 짧은상태로 연장후 두다리 길이가 같아진 모습입니다.
Right tibia was shorter than the other. Lengths of two legs became same after lengthening.