Extension of limbs

Pediatric dwarfism clinic


한쪽다리 짧은 환자에서 종아리뼈 연장

오른쪽다리의 종아리뼈부분이 짧은상태로 연장후 두다리 길이가 같아진 모습입니다.
Right tibia was shorter than the other. Lengths of two legs became same after lengthening.

Tel. 032-610-1111  |  Fax. 032-662-4797  |  Email. sportsds2022@gmail.com

Addr. Yeongchang Building, 590 Inju-daero, Namdong-gu, Incheon ㅣ Biz License. 130-96-01190

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