mobile background

Rectification of tetraplegia

Pediatric dwarfism clinic

mobile background

the upper extremity 

상지의 변형 교정 2

오른쪽팔의 팔꿈치 부분이 바깥쪽으로 휘었던 환자로, 기구를 이용해 교정 후 정상적인 상태가 되었습니다.
right arm’s elbow joint was externally bent. Normal form of it after surgery using apparatus.

Tel. 032-610-1111  |  Fax. 032-662-4797  |  Email.

Addr. Yeongchang Building, 590 Inju-daero, Namdong-gu, Incheon ㅣ Biz License. 130-96-01190

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